Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Reunion Tour

Perhaps in parallel honor of the Murder City Devils reunion show that I will be attending tonight, I've decided to resurrect Grokwire from its liberal tomb.

There are a lot of new happenings to address. We've seen a dramatic election season come to a rather lackluser close. I've also been getting pretty into Los Tucanes de Tijuana, as cheesy as they are. Perhaps its just because I'm exceedingly frustrated these days and just want to unload 30-some-odd rounds.

We've also seen bailout after bailout. Where's my bailout, you ask? Oh, its comin', alright. It's coming in the form of more draconian government of the individual's life. So, suddenly, I have well-connected heavy industry representatives deciding what it is that I eat, smoke and drive.

No one has been reading the bailout bills that have been careening through the legislatures, aside from a few try-hard, low-level poli-sci interns. They keep passing. They're tens of thousands of pages in length, and their full of P.O.R.K. Ay, que rica es esta barbacoa!

Before I write a Kerouac novel in my blog, I'll compartmentalize this entry and save some ideas for tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a handy calculator for your share of the bill you're fronting for our corporatist amigos. In case you didn't already know, there's a difference between "capitalist" and "corporatist." I emphasize that because I feel like me and B Grok are the only ones that are aware of the rather glaring distinction.


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